
Thank you!

We are extremely grateful for the generous financial support we receive
from all of our contributors.

The David K. Johnson Foundation is a non profit 501 C 3 organization.
Your tax-deductible gift helps us continue to fund vital research to cure
Alzheimer’s and support those impacted by the disease. All overhead and operating expenses are paid for by our founders. 100% of the proceeds go directly to our causes.


Options for Donating

Secure Online Donations
Make a Donation to the David K. Johnson Foundation by clicking below. If you have a message or special instructions, be sure to click the “Special Instructions” link during the payment process.

You May Send a Check
payable to: David K. Johnson Foundation
mailed to:
P.O. Box 617
Reading, MA 01867

Donate In Memory or In honor of a Friend or Relative You may use either of the above methods. You can honor someone by a donation that lets a family know that you are thinking about them. We will send each recipient an acknowledgement of the gift on your behalf, unless you choose to remain anonymous. The amount of your gift will remain confidential. For donations in memory or in honor of a friend or relative, please supply the name of the individual and the name and address of their family so that we can notify them of your thoughtful donation. Be sure to click the “Special Instructions” link during the payment process.


A Cure
Continued Education
helping families
and those affected
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